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Basler 제품 안내 ( Product Line Overview) 소책자

  • AD 예스비젼
  • 조회 971
  • 카메라
  • 2018.02.12 23:03

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Basler 제품 안내 ( Product Line Overview) 소책자



Product Line Overview - Brochure

The brochure "Product Line Overview" lays out Basler's entire product portfolio in clear and concise terms, including technical data for the individual cameras, Basler Lenses, components and the pylon Camera Software Suite. Whether you're interested in area scan cameras such as the Basler ace and dart, or line scan cameras such as the sprint, or in 3D cameras such as the Basler ToF camera or Basler IP cameras and PowerPacks — a comprehensive round-up of all available models is provided.
The brochure also provides a variety of technical details for the camera, including
  • Sensor,
  • Resolution,
  • Interface,
  • Frame rate or line rate and
  • Pixel size.
You'll also find extensive information on Basler's portfolio of components and Basler Lenses as well as the pylon Camera Software Suite.
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